Aug 13Liked by Nurse Kristin

You are the real deal my dear ! Your ability to be able to deal with the worst of circumstances to appreciate the positive outcomes is beyond commendable. I am amazed at the thickness of the Teflon on your outer shell. Being able to tell the kids about death is a release, I’m sure, for you and, quite frankly a reality check for them. And to put it all aside and just live life so normal is incredibly amazing. I am sure there is a level of PTSD under that solid exterior. I mean you’re human. Having lived through it a couple of times, it’s not always as prominent as one might believe.

Seriously, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you’re a remarkable human being and the world needs more like you. You’ve been blessed with a special personality not too many have. But pleas, do me a favor - no jumping in front of trains !!

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Oh I would never. I love trains so much and flying too. It’s cars I could do without because most of my work involves motor vehicle collisions. Thank you so much for these kind words, it truly mean a lot to me. I think knowing this is our certainty makes it easier to at least discuss. I always hope I did them some kind of service by being able to talk about it. It’s harder when you can’t talk about it and I see it here from what readers tell me. Again thank you 🙏🏻

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Amazing writing piece and reality piece! My own Mother was an R.N. and I know what burdens she bore, quietly ( back in my Boomer childhood). She died overnight when I was 13. I also met a wonderful cadre of Nurses back in Sept. 2021, when I was treated in ER and for two days, for a bleeding duodenal ulcer. All the Nursing staff that helped me were kind, as gentle as they could be and WARRIORS to the core. Eyes and ears for the Dr and huge helpers for me, a scared older lady who did not want to be there...but cooperated with them, as I knew they were there to help me survive. God bless you for your labor of love!

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Hi Wendy and thank you so much for this comment, it warmed this cold heart of mine. I'm sorry to hear about your mom, that must have been terrible. I know many patients have really strong reasons for not wanting to be in the hospital, even if they don't share it with the nurse. This is a really powerful reminder for me, so thank you. xoxo

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Nurse Kristin, I pray for all of you nurses, to not take on the burdens of others too much. I know that is difficult...but you are not the "burden bearers", you are the ministers of healing and help. Wash that stuff off you every single day, bounce off your fellow nurses and release the stress. I find great help in partnering with God and His Son Jesus Christ, as They know things I do not and gladly offer wisdom and counsel. Blessings to all of you for your the having some of the most important jobs on earth!! Wendy

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Thank you Wendy from the bottom of my heart. My oldest daughter graduated from Wellesley and their motto is “not to be ministered unto, but to minister”. It means Leadership and Service, it took me years to get here and I am so grateful for your kind words today. I still pray every day l and manage to make it to church on some Sundays when I’m not working. 🙏🏻

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I subscribed and will be a supportive fan!

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Aug 14Liked by Nurse Kristin

This one reached me deeply.. I suspect because of the connection of being a mother also. Some of the most challenging (for me) clients have been the mothers who have lost children. I resonate so much with the depth of their grief, I have to dig deep to help them process. It’s worth every minute of it.

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Whoa. What's next? 🥹

Great read! Wish I knew you back when our youngest was in college in the city. We loved it there. Before and after he moved there we'd go on a hot deal I'd get for three fast furious days, sometimes four. We walked everywhere. I loved the city. Then the pandemic and we haven't been back. Not sure we will.

I can feel your life through your writing so intensely and internally 😘🙌🏻💫

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Oh me too! We were supposed to go to California in 2020, I’ve never been and I sort of lost my desire to go. Maybe we’ll work through that together and meet in the middle for an ice cream cone. Thank you so much for being here. I’m really glad we connected 😘

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Raw and real punctuated with comic relief. Love the openness and frankness 🙏💜😊

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Thank you so much Simone!

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Seriously, you had me laughing with the throat punch to the office dwellers. Is something wrong with me 🤣. I really love ‘your voice’, the honesty. I can relate to the ‘say it how it is’ way you operate … no pun intended 🤣💜

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Haha no nothing wrong with what is a stream of consciousness. I’m actually sort of on the quiet side, know better than to open my mouth. 😂

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Yeah, l get it … l am a bit that way myself, though sometimes people will take what say as abrupt if they miss the undertone, in my sometimes, one liner response 🤦‍♀️🤣. Thank goodness for writing ✍🏻👍

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Yes absolutely!! Give me written over spoken words any day.

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Great article, Kristin. There is so much that is quotable, nuanced and profound. So proud.

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Thank you my friend in the truest sense and spirit of the word. This comment means a lot to me.

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Personally, I HATE NYC, but this column almost made me not hate it too much. I look forward to the next chapter.

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Oh haha, I love NY, but only for one day at a time. It’s less than an hour by train from where I live in central NJ. Thank you for reading, I plan to post the conclusion tomorrow. xo

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Aug 13Liked by Nurse Kristin

A great read to start the day. Thanks Kristin.

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Thank you Chris. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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