I love your writing, Kristin. Thank you for sharing ... I also love how you give the men in your life nicknames, rather than using their own. Tickled my funnybone ...

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Thank you C.J. It’s no secret that I’m one of your biggest fans and it’s so nice to see you here ❤️

So at the nurses station, the nurses have code names for all the boys we like to spend time with (and maybe a few of the doctors with shining personalities)

I think we’re used to keeping the patient names private and well— nurses are fun, there are a lot of names to keep up with 🤔

This realization gave ME a chuckle. I’ll have to repost the piece with The Short King, Initial Man and Jim Bro 😂 😘

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Awww, you’re so sweet, Kristin! I’m already a fan of yours, too. What fun!!

That makes sense about protecting the boys’ identities by using nicknames. Geez, I used to be smart and shoulda’ figured that out … (sigh).

… ain’t gettin’ old a bee-itch? 🤣🤣😁😁

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Well you’re my inspiration for “old” now, love how you make it look fabulous but very real ❤️

I’ve been a nurse for 20 years now, so the emphasis is on the word boy here in most cases. Thankfully I’ve outgrown most of my ways 😉

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Stay just as you are! 😁😁💕

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Aug 19Liked by Nurse Kristin

Omgosh, I chuckled so about the mandatory three week waiting period when we ask a hairstylist for bangs! That should be a rule!

Sorry for the loss of your friend. It’ll be a good discussion over the years with your youngest daughter about what renders us speechless.

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And yes silence is sometimes the most powerful sentence ❤️❤️

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Haha it should be a law. To be honest I could probably get it passed in NJ 😂😂😂

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What a heartfelt writing you offer! I love digging into this, especially with my own Mom having been a nurse and I was never privy to her experiences as an R. N. Nursing training in Winnepeg in the 1930s, amazing career. Thank you again for your intensity, I can so relate to all of it, even if I am not a nurse. Wendy

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Thank you so much Wendy. I truly love to hear this, wonder what my own children will think of their wild, foul-mouthed and God loving mother who worked through a pandemic someday. Almost 90% of American nurses are women, 5 million strong, and many of us are also mothers. Not sure if it’s a good or a bad thing. Lol 😊

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Kristin, one thing about being a nurse, you present reality to your children, the ups and downs of real life. I commend you for your warrior spirit. Nurses do not get enough respect! They are the essential eyes and ears for the Doctors, as they are there to measure and observe the small changes in patients and record that on their charts, as these can sometimes be clues that assist in treatment. Again, God bless you for your valiant efforts, never unappreciated by someone like me. Wendy

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Thank you 🙏🏻

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Aug 19Liked by Nurse Kristin

Good for you with the new dude. I’m thinking he best be able to shake a leg. 🕺

Losing a good friend like that a powerful reminder. I’ve lost several recently and it’s brutal when it happens and joyful to remember them. You essay made me think of one in particular. Thank you K ❤️

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Thank you! You know I always like to stay for the last dance, but sometimes the party sucks.

Sorry to hear you’ve lost some friends recently, I never thought 50 would feel so young. ❤️❤️

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Hi Kristin, the fun you have writing shines through, so much l even smile through the sad bits … because your resilience and courage to say it how it is (life) smacks of a wise and gentle compassion. Thank you 🙏

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Thank you Simone. I smile through it all too, sometimes it only takes me a few hours, other times a few weeks. Thank you for seeing through this, I bet you were an incredible teacher ❤️❤️

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Aug 19Liked by Nurse Kristin

I love how you live life and I love reading your stories. Thank you for sharing. 😊

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Thank you Serena and ditto 😘😘

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Not sure what's left to say, except I'm so glad I found my way to you and you to me. Love your stories and can feel them in my heart. Losing a friend is something you never can put into words. I tried early on in my writing but it never does them complete justice. Sending you much love Kristin. oxox

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Thank you, sometimes it’s best to cry and not try to find words that can’t be found. Love you Deb, looking forward to the next few months and what’s to come for us 😘

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I agree. And I’m really looking forward to doing something together! The podcast will be fun :). ox

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Me too! Every day I’m one step closer to getting in a van and visiting the entire country. 🙏🏻

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ha ha! Are you going to be “living in a van down by the river?” I’ll join you!! oxox

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🚐 🎶 ❤️

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Thank you for this wonderful series, Kristin. This is a great way to conclude it on so many levels, of love, loss and connection. Thank you, my friend.

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Thank you. You’re at the very top of my list of connections here. ❤️🐾

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