Sep 13Liked by Nurse Kristin

This was truly beautiful to read, and very touching. I love your descriptions of Alice. I come from Sicilians, too. ❤️

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Thank you Jenn ❤️

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Sep 13Liked by Nurse Kristin

You are very welcome.

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Kristin, you are such a good writer. You keep writing, I'll keep reading.

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I will C.J. 🙏🏻😊❤️

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What an exceptional piece Kristin! Not only did you honor your Grandma Alice, this feels like a movie. She and your whole family should be so proud. Get to that field soon and smile it out for Alice. Love this. Love you. oxox

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Thank you so much Dear Deb!! Oh I plan on it, the season is not over yet my friend! Love you too. OXOX

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Sep 7Liked by Nurse Kristin

I felt like I was there in the room with you when you were visiting Alice. So sweet. Pop Pop was surely a character, eh? I can see where you got that strong streak from! And yes, looking at where that hospital stood made even me tear up

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Aw thank you, I cried a lot getting this one out. It was a long labor of love, reframed and reworded multiple times. I absolutely knew the truth might hurt some family members and I will never intentionally hurt anyone. So beautiful to know yourself at 48, hope this continues to evolve for me.


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PS Yes Rocky was indescribable actually, Grace is lovely and still lives in Florida, but we haven't spoken in years. I hope I did them the best justice I could here, everyone has a right to be happy, this is my side of story (one of many)

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Sep 7Liked by Nurse Kristin

This is a powerful story, Kristin. While an homage to your grandmother, it also captures the deep emotion of an important aspect of your journey; I feel like I know you a little better now.

Thank you for sharing this... ☺️

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Wow, thank you Stone! I’m happy to hear you like my origin story, it truly means a lot to me. I’m always very grateful to make the connections I have made here. 🥲

Thank you for reading 😊

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Sep 7Liked by Nurse Kristin

Grand slam. You knocked it out of the park and cleared the bases !

There may not be crying in baseball or for the Nurse while in ICU, but in life itself it’s a different story. You proved that in your chat with Dee. You’re a tough cookie, now we know a little bit why. But we also know inside you’re a softie, have a heart of gold and are just damn good people.

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Thank you Ken. This is a very high compliment coming from a baseball aficionado such as yourself 🙏🏻

I would have made a great Georgia 🍑 back in the day. Spend a lot of time with my oldest who was also on a fast pitch team, when she wasn’t busy doing theatre. Pretty sure a fast ball almost lacerated her spleen one time 😂

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Sep 7Liked by Nurse Kristin

Now if we can find away for you to meet up with Tom Hanks ! 😝

Better yet, Don Mattingly - for obvious reasons.

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Obviously 🙄

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Wonderful Kristin, thank you for introducing us to your other fabulous grandmother … what inspiring women folk. And the other family members of course. Seriously, have you thought about writing a memoir, your writing is so engaging. As I was reading this l was imagining a stage and hearing parts like you were narrating between scenes. Thank you for sharing. BTW, l was teared-up by the end. I am a crier from way back. 😂🤣💜😊💕

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I mean well thank you of course. I have thought about it, would have to serve some sort of higher purpose for me though. I have an idea, I got back to work, but I’ll send you a message very soon.

PS. Would you believe I had Thanksgiving dinner with one of Michael Jackson’s producers? Now that’s a story and no he wasn’t a patient. I didn’t even know it. LOL. Simply stated there is no such thing as an ordinary life my friend, —you can absolutely take that to the bank.


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Will be interested to hear 💜🙏

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Wow, do you know how to tell a story, Kristin! I was glued to the screen. You come from a long line of colorful characters, and it was a joy to learn about them! ♥️♥️

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Oh thank you so much Sarah and ditto,—I felt like I was there at your mother’s wake along with you


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If you had been there, I think you might have made it even more colorful! <3 :)

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No doubt, although I usually appear more normal at a funeral. My own mother always complains I look like I’m going to a funeral at all times. Haha. My mostly all black uniform drives her nuts, but it’s an east coast thing. 😊

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This summer I realized that most of my wardrobe -- here

on the northern plains -- had evolved to black, and it felt so hot in the summer. I'm intentionally adding in colors and white in now ... I feel so ... colorful! Maybe it's a new season beginning

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Must be-I’ve added some pops of color over the last two years. It feels so strange! My mother also hates when I wear red so I rarely wore it, but I do now at the age of 48. By the way I love my mom a lot, she knows this. We’re just different and it’s okay

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I get it, Kristin. Interesting about the red ... ah, moms ... ♥️🎈

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Beautiful, incredible memoir, Kristin. Your contribution to the collaborative effort is beyond admirable. It’s almost like crying is the writer’s prompt and every nuance and complexity, family dynamic and memory flows from it. So proud.

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Thank you, it was always all there coming together slowly from everywhere and anywhere, from the mice, to Wicked to the accident which I have completely buried in my subconscious. I never really think about that summer or Aunt Rita at all. It's always been a part of who I am. The kids always thought my job made me hypervigilant and insane when it came to Christmas and their driving, but alas it did not.

XOXO and you know why!!

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You’ve done what good writing does through the transformative power of language. As a reader, your article has taken me on a journey. Powerful stuff.

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P.S. We rise by lifting others, therefore my moon necklace seems to be missing, I never take it off… I’m not sure if it was Nanny Shirley, Noelle or Dolly, the kids oh my!

But …. sounds like a classic case of whodunit, wouldn’t you agree? 💫

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Perhaps the J Kitten, Sleuth & Purveyor of Bright Shiny Objects Detective Agency needs to get involved!

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Oh it sure does!!

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J Kitten says, look under the bed, behind the dresser and in the garbage can. Get back to him if you still can’t find it. Also, check any and all laundry baskets and clothes hampers. The end.

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Sep 6Liked by Nurse Kristin

What a family history! Your life for your grandmother, Alice, lights up the page. A beautiful tribute.🥰

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Trudi thank you from the bottom of my heart. As a writer and mother, I also feel very connected to you, I must have been British too in a former life. XOXO

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I'm not even 100% sure you're British. lol, hard to tell who comes from where sometimes here

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Yup I’m British and Irish with Italian ancestors 😂

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Sep 7Liked by Nurse Kristin

My nonna was Italian 🥰

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Very nice! Love that for us.

I have this terrible habit of skim reading, especially when I’m in a hurry.. so I always feel worried I may have missed an important detail in my rush to read everything on the planet! lol

Thank you 🙏🏻

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Sep 6Liked by Nurse Kristin

Beautiful Kristin. What a story. Thank you.

BTW October 20th is my mother’s birthday—she and Alice share a day in your heart and mine 🙏❤️

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Oh I wish you could see the tears STREAMING down my face right now. THANK YOU

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Sep 6Liked by Nurse Kristin


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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Author

PS- The part about my son being born was a last minute and unplanned edit/addition made this morning. As soon as I saw your message I lost it. LOL😘

This is how many hours it took me to recover from the surprise because I am not surprised at all-- always knew we linked for a reason. Just didn't know the reason

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Sep 6Liked by Nurse Kristin

So cool my friend. Just another reminder of the many blessings of God and the Universe that we are occasionally able to witness and accept. You had to write it and I had to read it and those powerful two women had to have impacted us thusly. 🙏

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What a wonderful story! I didn't get to spend a LOT of time with my grandparents, but I definitely had my favorites...

Also, this is so true it hurts: "As a nurse, I never get overly upset when the patients don’t remember my name, I know full well they always remember how their nurse made them feel."

I confess that I would always forget the names of the nurses who took such wonderful care of me in my multiple stays in the hospital, but I never, ever forgot how they made me feel. Hugs to you for all you do.

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Thank you Anne, as long as you smile, even if only with your eyes, trust me when I say the nurses know you love them. I love to squeeze hands--by the way when I'm at work. XOXO

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Oh, I ALWAYS make jokes and smile and thank them profusely. I hope they remember me as one of the "good" patients.

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Oh I bet they do. XOXO

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Thanks, Kristin, Grandma Alice, and that nurse, for inspiring you—your origin story! I shall take all your generous and kind, light-filled compliments and shine them right back at you. Your patients in the ICU are lucky to have you there with them. I'm not educated in Baseball, but I think we're both over-educated in 'caregiver' because when I cry, it's for days with an overhanging hangover for a few more days—just enough to obliterate a respite break!

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Oh I think you'd like baseball V, a long game and you have to stick out the ups and down of each season. The end will almost always surprise you. BTW My son is actually a HUGE soccer fan, I believe they call it football over and across the pond. XOXO

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