Sep 3Liked by Nurse Kristin

You had me laughing and all up in my feelings!! Bravo!!

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Aww thank you! Please know I consider this a very high compliment coming from you Caroline

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Oh my. I second what Caroline said. All up in my feelings, with some laughter thrown in! Life is all about learning, humility and getting to a place where we give people permission to misunderstand us. Whatever right? Know thyself! Loving your stories and you! ox

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Thank you Deb! Mothers and daughters ya know? I have 2 so maybe a little easier to understand my mom better. Xoxo! Glad you got a chuckle

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Great article, Kristin. Love the confluence and the resonance of teacher and mother. I believe, for the moment, that I have caught up with your incredible writing. Thank you, my friend.

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Thank you Heidi, you more than most, actually guided me in some of the directions I took this since its early conception.

I greatly appreciate you. 💗

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Incredible, Kristin and I’m deeply humbled. Thank you, my friend.

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You do not get to tell me who l am …. 🙏☝️♥️👏. Love this Kristin. I am sure your mum is just tickled pink by your declaration of love and understanding ☺️

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Thank you and maybe. Lol! We haven’t really spoken in a few days but my mother knows I love her. We just don’t always understand each other. 💗

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Yep, that was me any my mum too … 🥰

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Sep 2Liked by Nurse Kristin

Beware the Left handed salesmen! 😜😎

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Always !!! That was a pattern and there was a third, but he can suck a 🍆 actually in my book.

Respectfully of course 😘

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2Author

Nanny Shirley used to say fool me three times and you’d better run.

This is me running 🏃.

More facts. That guy told me I should make and sell my sugar cookies and thought I should stop talking about the past. Please. It's clear I do see everyone so I do hope he's still luring around and sees this one.

Again these are facts.

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I hope he does too. We all know he’s a jerk

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Luring was a typo, but I’m going to leave it stand actually. I was in my early spiritual days when I met him, but surprise not really. 😂

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I just want to let you know Kristen, I am playing catch-up and I will leave a comment later. 🤗

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Sep 2Liked by Nurse Kristin

Dangling and jumping through hoops ain’t love. Carey on K 🙏❤️

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You got that right. Remember that man is the man who used to be a deejay? Used to tell me he didn’t want to hear about my ho days and haha that the deejay hates when I asked him to play It Takes 2 because it was the white girl anthem 😭😭😭

I said the deejay always played my song 💯💯💯

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Sep 2Liked by Nurse Kristin


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By the way he was Latino and well that was enough of that. Love the music though . Just wanted to mention that also fact. 😘

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Sep 2Liked by Nurse Kristin

Machismo 😎

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Correct very cultural sometimes and I study that too at work. Use it to help people get what they need. Oops also stoicism- big phenomena with so many of our veterans.

So no one better come at me in my comments section for any of my comments which I will almost always stand by. Unless they are prepared to prove me wrong before they have proven themselves wrong. 💯

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I am absolutely STEALING this: "to me bitch is a word for wolf mother." Wasband accused me of being a bitch during our divorce. He still doesn't know how right he was. Anyhow, I love this (as usual).

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Thank you 🙏🏻 👑

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Amazing moms everywhere! ❤️

And, {clears throat}, what's wrong with left-handed people?!? 🤨



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Well both of my husbands were left handed actually, both salesman too


It’s my preference to stay away from left-handed salesman while acknowledge the creativeness of the deviant mind.

It’s deviant in medical terms, Latin root. Left eye- ocular sinister OS

I’m sure you know this though

Thanks for the comment, I know my mom will appreciate the support.

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You're very welcome, Kristin! Really enjoy reading your posts that come from such a raw and unfiltered place. The best kind of writing!

And as for left-handedness… Unfortunately, I've been told a lot of this as a child. Lol… sometimes, I think my family hated me. 😂

But this is a great read on left/right, etc.


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Definitely will read and send to my left handed sister and please no offense, my favorite uncle is a lefty. Lots and lots of twins in my big family

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Oh, no offense taken! 😊

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