Sep 12Liked by Nurse Kristin

“wanting my life to return back to normal. I just hadn’t figured out that was my problem yet.”

What is really normal ? I mean even weathermen don’t use “normal” temperatures anymore - it’s average !

I think the chaos in your life is what has always been the norm. It’s just now you find or realized that it’s defined your direction, defines who you are and your purpose. Oh, and now you like it ! I think 🤔. Soooo - why go back ?

And as for love you or leave you ??

I’ll take the love. Leaving could make things a little dull here 😉.

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Thanks Ken. I mean what’s not to love? 🤣

As for normal, I agree there’s no such thing anymore. At work, we used to say everything was “within normal limits” now it’s “within defined limits”.

So life is what we make it for sure. I wouldn’t go back to the way it was 😊

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Sep 13Liked by Nurse Kristin

😊😊 🌹

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Sep 10Liked by Nurse Kristin

Go Nanny Shirley 💪🏻💪🏻😎

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Nanny Shirley was the original force 💪🏼 ❤️ 😂

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Thank you, my friend. Great article. You speak well to the seeming difference between the writing self and the self being written about. It’s a deep consideration in memoir. And I also appreciate your discussion about memory. I’ve also got an incredible accurate memory, so that’s something else we have in common.:)

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Thanks so much Heidi! I value our friendship here and in the DMs so much 😂

Yes a vivid memory is beautiful.. I know I’m off sometimes by a year or detail and it’s always my mom who suddenly remembers everything and points this out. I would be absolutely dangerous with a true photographic memory.

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It does sound like our memories are on a similar level. Eidetic or photographic seem to be the 2 operative words. I don’t remember everything, but I remember a lot. I like how you use the word vivid. That seems the most appropriate description.

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Author

Yes I always hear the sounds too when I remember and that’s a thing. Lol

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That makes a lot of sense. Music and sounds in general are great links to memory. I’ve also heard that having a keen sense of smell is linked to memory and I have that. Sometimes a blessing. Sometimes not!

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Oh you can't say that to an ICU Nurse, I'll think it's a seizure aura so very glad I don't have that one. I've heard Taylor Swift has the type of memory that links sound with color which makes sense. Fascinating subject because the brain is not very well understood at all. Not remotely as well as our other organs are.

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Haha! Don’t worry, I haven’t had a seizure. Have you read Musicophilia by Oliver Sacks? I like his books.

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Sep 9Liked by Nurse Kristin

The Jesus and Shakespeare and Bruce Wayne connected 🤯

I love it!!!!!

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Haha and why thank you Caroline!

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Sep 9Liked by Nurse Kristin

I used to ask the same questions abut whether or not I needed to separate the work Teyani from the regular Teyani.. but then it came to me that work Teyani is one of the ways I authentically embody myself. It’s only one, but an important one,

And yup, secondary trauma is a real thing. We could talk about way to get it out of your body on a cellular level, but I suspect you already know how to do that! 🥰

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Oh I know a few ways 😉

Cold plunging is my personal favorite, but I can’t in good conscience recommend anything so I don’t.

Thank you for your always very kind words. I appreciate your perspective very much so. I always think of how much I love Nurse Kristin so it’s nice to hear you can relate in this way too.

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I think I love your Nanny Shirley. Also, the Beetlejuice meme hit home. Sometimes I feel like "It's showtime" may be one of my life's mottos.

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Nanny Shirley was the best!! Thanks Anne 😊

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Liked by Nurse Kristin

As someone very close to someone who lost a 4-year-old grandson and her daughter that lost the 4-year-old boy ( under non-pandemic circumstances in 2014 ), this one was difficult to read ... that hollow feeling that fills the stomach and crawls up through the heart .... As always, another great read, Kristin .......... 🙏🏻💖

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Thanks so much John. I always kind of feel bad when it strike a chord like that. I think since I see it all the time, the knowledge never really leaves me. Now that I’m older I can handle all the awful feelings a lot better than I could even 5 years ago. 🙏🏻

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.. yes ! re Astonishing Memory ! - no ! re Dead Inside ! to me ? Being Vibrant ! It’s how i ‘measure others .. Are They Stoked ! Though the Art of Being Satisfied is to be Envied ! Rock on ! 🦎🏴‍☠️

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Thanks so much Thomas. I believe we both have an interesting way of measuring life 🙏🏻

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.. RESPECT .. is beyond Crucial in my Perspective & Belief, Kristin - & in the Fields of Medicine Healthcare & Education & Learning am ZERO TOLERANCE to Those in PUBLIC SERVICE Who Cross the Red Line - the Term IMPLACABLE Applies

.. How & Who You Are - ‘Outside the ClassRoom with 30 fifteen year olds.. or Headed Home from the ICU - is None of My Business .. yet Fascinates me !

Nevertheless - Nobody on Spaceship Earth - ‘Deals with LIFE & DEATH at You & Your Fellowship’s levels WorldWide .. I ‘get it’ - oh yes I do.. but even for me - who’s had astonishing ‘privilege as a Docu Shooter in Hospitals - ‘it’s an abstract .. Not a TOTAL Immersion & it’s my belief you ‘open a portal via your ‘writings - & give people ‘a peek.. a ‘sense of the ‘weight .. the ‘load & that You in Particular ‘know what it takes - to Lead a Team - during extreme personal & family crisis - because ‘nobody gonna do it better Dammit ! 🦎🏴‍☠️🎬

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