
Aww thanks Anne, maybe we’ll chat over zoom some day and have a coffee.

Of course I know smoking js absolutely horrible, I just don’t fight with myself constantly anymore and try to limit where and when I do it. Each time I stopped even for long period, I missed it. I always found my people, so many varieties of people, in the smoking section. I think that’s what I missed. 😘

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Sep 5Liked by Nurse Kristin

Yep. There's a reason cigarette companies make it so damn addicting. I miss it every day.

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Sep 5Liked by Nurse Kristin

Kristin, thank you for the mention. It was very kind and appreciated.

Your 17 year old may not have given hoot about the first day of school, but he obviously thinks enough of you to have the pic taken. I imagine he realizes the importance of what it means to you.

Mom was only into the picture thing at birthdays, communions, proms, graduations, those kind of things, so I was always willing. But you got me thinking about my first day junior year. Other than, after being told a dozen times, that it was the most important academically of the high school years, I don’t remember too much about it other than the guy I walked with the previous 2 years had graduated and I found myself walking alone. Maybe for the first time - ever !

As for those 22 years passing in a puff ! Yeah, I think we all have a little bit of that, especially now. Being in service industries, it’s more of a blur.

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It’s nice actually as much as I dislike how much we all rely on our cell phones it makes it easier for moms like me to get in the picture! Thanks I just actually needed to reframe that bc my I have been irritated by my own phone use lately! Thanks for sharing Ken

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Awww, I don't know what to say except "thank you", Kristin. I consider you an excellent writer and new friend. Your mention pleases me and you've brightened my whole day. ❤️💕

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Oh well now I’m pleased. Thanks C.J it’s nice to read this and know I brightened your day ❤️

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Hell, truth be known, you brightened my whole week, nice lady. Thank you!

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Awww no kidding look at that. A favor has been returned 💫

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Here for the fucking viiiiibes!!!

Thank you for the shoutout as well. Damn, I feel loved. <3

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😘 Ginger, hope I made you smile today

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Thank you, Kristin! I appreciate the love and recommendation to your readers. I look forward to seeing more from The Nurse!

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Ditto Logan!! I will be catching up on my reading mid to late next week.

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Take your time. A lot of folks have shared a bunch of good stuff in the past few days. I’m catching up myself.

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Sep 5Liked by Nurse Kristin

Hey Kristin, I enjoyed reading this and found myself nodding in agreement. Mother of three, two daughters, youngest a son and yes he is the easiest by far! The love we get from our sons makes up for the rest of it!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the mention. I’m delighted you enjoy reading my work. Much love for your day off! ❤️✨

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Oh you’re so welcome Trusi!

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Cheers, Kristin :-)

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Thanks man we had what I worried was a long conversation in one of your threads. You asked me about my kids, respected I was a single parent and encouraged me to drop a link to my stuff and find my people. So thanks I did and wanted you to know.

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I am so glad it is working for you!

And I’m sure the conversation wasn’t too long. Engagement is part of my thing—part of the service I offer, one might say.

Keep rockin’!

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Will do! Seems engagement is sort of my thing too. Who knew? 😜

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We both know now! 🤣

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So happy to be in your orbit! Finally! Thank you for the mention. Always nice to chat 🥰 Wishing your son a good year. Tough to be a boy in Jr. High. It was my sons most awkward years 🤓😘

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Thanks Deb! You’re one of my Substack heroines! Also it is the first day of junior year of HIGH school. Maybe have to edit (again always lol) for clarity 😘

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oops! Probably my bad! My eyes 👀😩🤓 It's awkward anyways! lol! and I'm super humbled you followed me for so long and I didn't know I was missing out until you left me a comment 🤦‍♀️ It's hard to keep up here. I spent the last two days reading and still never caught up ☹️🥺 You're now one of my favorites! Don't ever stop! 🙌🏻😘🔥

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Humbled, Kristin! 🙏🏻💙

I truly enjoy your writing! You've made a place that I've ALWAYS struggled with (hospitals) seem, for lack of a better term - Human. Truth be told, I despise them .. but that's between me and my therapist.

You reached out to me in an act of kindness (coffee! ☕) and gratitude (thanking me for my desk-jockey career in the military.✈️) which was even further humbling.

I'm always at a loss when my words can speak to a badass like yourself. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!

Truly appreciate a shining soul like yourself. Here's to Chincoteague! 🐎

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Um John you are completely blowing my spot here, I’ve got a rep to protect. 🖤I actually really like to secretly send coffees just as a good job sort of thing.

Again thank my mother for teaching me to thank the troops. Honestly she’s lucky she didn’t end up with more grandchildren for her to watch!! Hope you and your wife are having an okay day today.

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Oh and also Rob said no way in hell am I meeting any former soldier—wife or no wife, on an island so I’ll wait for him to catch up on my reading because I know he fell behind due to our little Labor Day getaway. I’m not sure but it might take an actual 🇺🇸 army to convince him, so 🤷‍♀️

I’m sure you can appreciate this 😂

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I’ll eventually post what I have to write about my military time as we close in on Veteran’s Day, complete with Basic Training photos. All hail the good ole days.

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Can’t wait! I have something in mind too for Pop Pop Tony and my army 🖤

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EEK! I take it all back! 😅

** digs out internet eraser **

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Sep 5Liked by Nurse Kristin

The feelings are mutual!!!!

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🙌 Thank you Caroline 🙌

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Sep 5Liked by Nurse Kristin

Thanks for the shout out. Also, I miss cigarettes with my coffee. I'd love to sit on your back porch and enjoy one second hand! We could waste away the day!

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Please see the above comment that didn’t attach to yours 😂

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Thanks for the shout-out! Also, as the mother of two bois, I have to agree that boys are easier to raise. Although, to be fair, I've never raised a girl. But as a non-girly girl, I do find myself completely bonded to these young men I gave birth to - even more so since my divorce. My youngest told me yesterday that his colleagues tease him because I paid to upgrade his flights to his current TDY location. Ha! I will always spoil my boys. Best of luck in the new school year.

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Yeah I just maybe have a soft spot for my only boy, I try not to make it worse by pretending I don’t. It’s really more because he ended up being my last baby and I didn’t really intend to stop at 3 🤣

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That RENT soundtrack does it every time.

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Thanks for thinking of me Kristin! Made me feel pretty good. I’m so happy I can count you among my Substack friends. 😊

I could relate to so much about this post. My youngest just started at a new high school as an 11th grader, and I just dropped off my middle son at university last weekend. Lots of firsts and lasts all at once, and of course emotions are all over the place. It’s a good thing I’m back at work to keep myself busy! I also LOVED the photo gallery.

You may not consider yourself a writer, possibly because your nursing is second nature to you, but you absolutely are a writer and you are clearly treasured by so many people here. I always appreciate your candidness, insight and humour.

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Thanks for the shoutout K. Love ya back 🙏❤️😎

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Good morning Kristin, Thank yo for the mention, much appreciated. I love your work ... as yo know ✍️ and hearing about your other work ⛑. Childless me ... unless you count the thousands of high school students I have worked with ... I love the first day from behind the school gates end ... because their mainly ... faces of joy, anticipation etc burst open in the locker room ... always an exciting buzz of homecoming. Hope he has a fun day.

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